Friday, February 15, 2013

The 1st: Blind Dance (Improvising on a tight rope)

"I will kiss your eyes... In the senseless night"

In the year 2000 these blissful words, the opening to a song known as Blind Dance, 
sent ripples through the internet.

They ignited a spark deep in the hearts of YOSHIKI fans around the globe.
This spark that many of us in 2013 still share, I have named 'the epic wait'..

So here I sit, 13 years later writing 'The 1st' entry 
in my coverage of the UNDERGROUND KINGDOM. 

My eagerness to hear VIOLET UK in all its seductive, over the top, attention to detail, genre-bending glory, unwaivering.

Over the coming days and weeks, I invite you to join me as I attempt to break down
some of the events that have shaped the VIOLET UK legend.

For VIOLET UK one thing I know is for sure:

".....the night is never long enough" 

("" denotes lyrics from VIOLET UK songs written by YOSHIKI)


  1. Love these posts about Violet UK! You might be interested in this, it's the closest thing to a full version of Blind Dance that's available currently.

  2. Hi js,

    I am so sorry for the late reply. Been hectic lately.
    Thank you I really loved that! Blind Dance needs to be released one day!
    For now as you say, this will have to do, its fantastic! Keep up the good work.

    If there's any VUK news I'll come out of hiatus.. for now the site is taking a break I think.
